
Showing posts from May, 2022

Dominaria's Judgment 54: Capenna Championship Happenings

Dom was busy playing in the New Capenna Set Championship this weekend and had a front-row seat to the successes, failures, and (French) disconnections that defined the tournament. As this era of Organized Play comes to an end and a new one begins, we try to pair Dom's recent experience with (Pro Tour Champion!) Ari's decade of boomer Pro Tour experience to see what we can learn about preparing for high-level play in these confusing times. All this, of course, after a look at the latest Modern results on Magic Online! Timestamps: 27:20 What is this tournament and why is it crashing again? 42:25 Organized Play 1:02:25 Pro Tour preparation and execution 1:50:32 Nonsense! Patreon / Twitter / Discord Results: Challenges - Saturday / Sunday Nonsense: Jinnie Fay Tokens 8Ball Reanimator ft. Bob

Dominaria's Judgment 53: Bird Law

You've heard the non-stop squawking about Ledger Shredder and we're back to add to that with both some abstract analysis of the card and a look at the various decks people are already cramming it into. Plus, two weeks of results including the first MTGO Showcase Challenge of this cycle - which other SNC cards are making a mark? Timestamps: 29:25 Ledger Shredder 1:26:25 Nonsense Patreon / Twitter / Discord Results: Showcase Challenges - Sunday previous / Saturday / Sunday Nonsense: Vesperlark Combo Song of Creation

Dominaria's Judgment 52: Anniversary Mailbag

This week marks a full year of the podcast and one of the most turbulent years in Modern's history. We take your questions on learning, content, Modern, and nostalgia among other things along with the usual dose of nonsense and an early look at Streets of New Capenna's impact on Modern. Timestamps: 35:45 Mailbag 1:43:04 Nonsense Patreon / Twitter / Discord Results: Challenges - Saturday / Sunday SCG Pittsburgh 5ks - Friday / Sunday Nonsense: BR Vivien Combo Rocco/Asmo Link